key steps to use this site

3 steps to use this site

  1. Join membership, so you can instantly get wholesale priced products, save big
  2. only memer has a sharing account, which can referral great deals to your friends, let them get it, while you  get “cash” back from the site
  3. for smokers, claim & verify your legal age, so you can view and purchase vape & tobacco products from this site

1. Join member:

find membership in member center at the main menue, select , checkout and pay

  • there are two types of membership subscription:   monthly or annual membership

  • monthly membership is $2.99 CAD for a month, with 1 month free trial, i.e, you don’t need to pay for the first month, after you subscribed and checked out and paid, you can cancell monthly subscription anytime, if you don’t like it, you may cancell it before you pay on the 2nd month, no obligations and you lose nothing, however, you will only be allowed to have monthly subscription 1 time in a year.
  • annual subscription:  $19.95/year,   

           Good news is: 

                A. start from now until further notice, with this anual subscription payment, you will get one $20 or more worth of gift for free, i.e, you spent $19.95, and get $20 back, plus all the benefits of membership for a year.

the gift is a mobile phone holder:

               B. how to pickup your gift?  add one free gift you selected to your cart, when you place your first goods purchase order, pickup in our appointed pickup store your self or when we deliver your first order 

* gift variety may change upon the availability of supply

2.  Referral,   for wholesale members, utilize the full extention of the power of your sharing account 

  1. find your referal iink from your “account”,
  2. use your own link to do referring:

copy and save to your text, facebook, messenger, instagram, whatsapp etc. text to your friends, when they click your link, they will see the homepage of, help them to join member, claim & verify age, and get their own referral link, you will have a team to do referral, and help them get great deals, and earn money like you too.





 use your Qr code to do referring:

us your own Qr code, let your friends to Scan QR code   – use phone camera toward QR code to scan and click to open on top popup


and the referral relationship is buit!, follow up to help them join member, and complete age claim if needed, and find their own referrl link and QR code

when your referral purchase products, you will get rewards on products with rewards points, not all products have rewards, currently, vape products has high rewards. contact us to get reward product list.


3. For smokers, to claim & verify your legal age, so you will be able to view and buy vape and tobacco products


how to use mobile phone  to register / login? login / register

2. find continue with phone

3.enter your phone number and click send code

4.check your text message to find fverification code and fill in here, and click enter

5. you then will see your phone number appear at the positon of login/register  location, you are registered

late on, you may login your acount on this site by using  the same process,

*pls be noticed , when you fill in a wrong number, and no verification is sent to you, and if you repeat several times, the verification code sending will be onhold for 5 mins or more, you will have to wait untile it works again.




where is my shopping cart 

it is here, you can click it anytime to check out and follow the steps to pay


Any assistance ?

click and check Q&A 

Further assistance?  

Contact what’s App at  4375805765 

or email to:

or the livechat at the corner of right bottomÂ